Here at ICS Law, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive roster of Wills and Probate services.
It can be difficult to know where to begin when it comes to wills and probate. There are often many complicated, tender emotions tied up with these areas of financial planning and management. Individuals are usually trying to cope with the feelings that come as part-and-parcel of loss and grief or end-of-life planning, and we understand that.
When dealing with such a sensitive subject matter, it’s imperative to liaise with the right solicitors in order to ensure that the process is as smooth and hassle-free as possible.
With all of this in mind, we’d like to quickly walk you through our top five reasons to choose ICS Law for all of your wills and probate needs.
1. We can respond quickly to your needs
Here at ICS Law, we know that working with wills and probate can often be incredibly time-sensitive.
That’s why our solicitors are committed to responding quickly when it comes to your individual circumstances and situations. With our Wills and Probate services, we can work with you to meet your needs as and when they arise.
We also understand that it may not be possible for you to come to us, at ICS Law we are flexible and can come to you throughout the process.
2. We can help you to put together the will that you want
It’s imperative that wills meet a certain number of criteria in order to be valid. It’s also essential that it reflects your needs, wants and desires in order to ensure your peace of mind.
We can help you to put together a will that meets all of the necessary legal criteria, as well as ensure you choose the right type of will for your needs.
Here at ICS Law, our solicitors can work with you to ensure that your assets go to the people and organisations you wish them to. With our insight and expertise, we can also minimise the chance that your will is contested and subject to litigation.
3. We can simplify the probate process
In the midst of losing a loved one, the process of probate can be incredibly stressful and confusing.
Here at ICS Law, we can help to guide you through the process with patience and understanding. It’s our job to ensure that this time is as stress-free as possible.
With our wealth of experience and insight, we can help you to apply for a Grant of Probate and advise Executors and Trustees in regard to their duties and rights. Additionally, we can help you to deal with the complicated and worry-laden instance wherein there is no will (AKA intestacy).
When it comes to identifying estate assets and liabilities, paying out debts or calling on monies owed, we can be there every step of the way to provide clarity and guidance.
4. We can take the stress out of disputes
Navigating probate can often mean dealing with stressful disputes during what is already an incredibly trying time.
A wills and probate solicitor will be able to assist with any such disputes that may occur between the Executor, Benefactors or HMRC.
5. We can provide clarity during trying times
Dealing with the loss of a loved one or trying to cope with your own end-of-life planning can be an incredibly emotionally charged time.
When you choose to hire a wills and probate solicitor, you can benefit from much needed clarity during an undoubtedly difficult time.
Your solicitor will not only handle the complex legalities and administrative process, but they will also have the additional benefit of being entirely objective.
We deal with Wills and Probate on a day-to-day basis and can handle the legalities with a clear, unbiased perspective.
Looking for guidance with wills and probate? Get in touch with ICS Law today.